Thanks for sharing this conversation. It’s people like Nick, along with Norman Fenton and Martin Neil, who helped me see what was going on with “the event” fairly early on.
I work in healthcare and was one of the people carrying out PCR testing so my first forays into understanding the “pandemic” involved studying papers on virology, immunology and epidemiology but these were not at all illuminating. Advice on masking and social distancing made absolutely zero sense to me since I was already familiar with how airborne infections spread. But it was during the first lockdown when I heard someone say, “I can’t wait for the vaccine to come along so we can go back to normal” that the penny dropped and I saw what was going on.
The sheer scale and scope of the fraud was quite something to take in and I can understand the widespread cognitive dissonance that prevents people even starting to question the story they were told. In fact, if you accept any of the evidence and remain curious it will eventually lead to a change in world view that ranges from questioning the entire history of the vaccine project to realising that our governments are inhabited by employees of an international criminal cartel.
Thanks for sharing this conversation. It’s people like Nick, along with Norman Fenton and Martin Neil, who helped me see what was going on with “the event” fairly early on.
I work in healthcare and was one of the people carrying out PCR testing so my first forays into understanding the “pandemic” involved studying papers on virology, immunology and epidemiology but these were not at all illuminating. Advice on masking and social distancing made absolutely zero sense to me since I was already familiar with how airborne infections spread. But it was during the first lockdown when I heard someone say, “I can’t wait for the vaccine to come along so we can go back to normal” that the penny dropped and I saw what was going on.
The sheer scale and scope of the fraud was quite something to take in and I can understand the widespread cognitive dissonance that prevents people even starting to question the story they were told. In fact, if you accept any of the evidence and remain curious it will eventually lead to a change in world view that ranges from questioning the entire history of the vaccine project to realising that our governments are inhabited by employees of an international criminal cartel.
Thanks for the comment Neil. Very insightful. I agree wholeheartedly.