UUP Deputy Leader Responds to NI Health Bill Consultation Response
Robbie Butler MLA indicates that the proposed NI Health Bill will not be drafted until after the reporting of the UK-wide COVID Inquiry
I met with Robbie Butler MLA today to discuss the proposed Northern Ireland Health Bill. The meeting was held in his constituency office.
The following statement (from us both) has been agreed by Robbie Butler as a summary of our conversation. Mr Butler is Deputy Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party. His colleague, Mike Nesbitt, Health Minister, is the UUP Leader.
We disagreed on much - especially on the need for the Bill at all. I was comforted by the fact that he understood why, for some, there had been so much anger caused by the content of the consultation document.
His defence was that the legislation emerged from the Department’s need to update existing legislation and bring Northern Ireland into line with the rest of the UK. He felt that some of consultation ‘genesis’ pre-dated Covid.
We discussed the timing of the consultation, with Mr Butler indicating that elements of the consultation are reflective of the government’s Covid-19 response - now the subject of a UK-wide Public Inquiry.
I believe that it is Robbie’s view that given the Inquiry’s potential bearing on aspects of public health legislation in Northern Ireland that both the consultation responses and the inquiry would likely have an impact on any revised Health Bill and its passage. The Covid-19 Public Inquiry report is due in 2026.
This is clearly some comfort to many who protested against the proposed Bill. It seems unlikely that the Bill will be drafted and come before the Assembly any time soon.
Thank you for your efforts on our behalf with regard to the proposed "legislation." However the response you report here seems a little disingenuous. There is no need to "update" current legislation unless the fabricated "pandemic" is accepted as real. This fabricated reality is unlikely to be challenged by the UK wide Public Enquiry, as all statements from public authorities concur in deploring the lack of harder, faster "lockdowns" and more effective "vaccination campaigns."
The best that can be hoped then, is that we have gained some time. The long term forward planning to control the populations of the west via fraudulent health emergencies can be seen in the presence of bodies like HERA in the EU (already up and running - how is that?)
Thanks Jeff for taking the trouble to meet Robbie, who is possibly entirely genuine but also a bit naive. Meanwhile the WHO will continue to impose top down control on our health policy at their upcoming online conference 'driving enablers' on 28 November with WHO rep Dr Rafael Bengoa, Mike Nesbitt, Marie Louise Connolly, Sinn Fein and Alliance reps, but no DUP or TUV present. https://www.policyforumforni.co.uk/conference/NI-Health-24