The BBC is Vaccine Injured
Fergus Walsh continues to peddle the lie that the benefits of Covid vaccines outweigh the harms
The BBC has, at last, run a major package on Covid-19 vaccine harms on its BBC Breakfast programme, this morning. The package focused on a class action being taken by 50 people injured by the Astra-Zeneca "vaccine”.
However, the lawyer representing the group had to be chaperoned by the BBC’s “Medical Editor” Fergus Walsh - who constantly interjected to argue the merits of the product. To all intents and purposes he sounded like a Pharmaceutical industry comms ‘minder’.
Walsh also trailed a BBC Documentary, “Covid Vaccine: Fighting for a Payout”.
The preamble for the piece states, “The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is credited with saving millions of lives but it was also responsible, in rare cases, for serious side-effects - blood clots in the brain - which could be fatal.”
But one organisation that most frequently credits the Covid vaccines with saving lives is the BBC itself. Moreover, the AZ “vaccine” is also responsible in not-so-rare cases for a whole raft of side-effects - many of them life-changing and debilitating. Last week I met a couple who had lost their 23-year-old daughter because she had received a single dose of the AZ shot.
On BBC Breakfast this morning Walsh spent the majority of the package defending Covid "vaccines" in full knowledge of the extent of damage caused by these toxins is like nothing we've seen in medical history. The shots were effectively mandated by the government - and actively peddled by Walsh himself, despite not having any detailed knowledge of product toxicity or ingredients.
The Covid-19 “vaccines” (all of them, not just AZ) were administered to 'protect' against something that did not represent a significant threat to most people. The Infection Fatality Rate of Covid, on the government's own admission, was tiny - especially in younger age cohorts. Yet the BBC and the entire media industry continues to insist that these products delivered more positives than negatives. This is increasingly seen as utterly spurious. The numbers of people unnecessarily harmed by these products massively overwhelms any possible benefit.
The BBC and Walsh need to make clear to what extent they are acting in the interests of the pharmaceutical industry.
Unfortunately, although many more people have woken up to the scam that all vaccines are, we are still a long way off from the paradigm shift that is needed and being prevented by the medico/ pharma/ media industrial complex.
I think the BBC must have resources who monitor public opinion in comments sections of newspapers online, and social media platforms.
They have read the room that people are no longer in awe of the NHS, ‘big Pharma’ or the government ‘pandemic response teams’ or any of that guff.
They may appear dumbed down and naive but I’m sure they have a very calculated plan to stop the two paths drifting too far apart between the public and their narrative pushing.
Once they lose the trust of the masses, they’re toast.
Someone, somewhere has decided to start a drip-feed release of heavily filtered ‘counter narrative’ news. I believe in modern vernacular this is what’s referred to as a ‘limited hangout’. The idea being to say enough to retain credibility and look to be a dependable truth teller, but not enough to harm one’s brand or go off message.
Every truth has a counter truth, every crime has an excuse, everything is twisted so that the real evil is secondary to a ‘greater good’ that is pushed to the foreground, overshadowing the real issue.
The BBC do this all the time. Victim blaming, gaslighting, using racial and religious bias to excuse behaviours.
They are trying to keep up as the truth inevitably slips out, and their organisation inevitably becomes discredited and collapses. They’ve had it too good, for too long and abused their rather exceptional funding structure to behave as they pleased (or were instructed to) in return for even more money from external donors, be it Gates or the UK government.
Now they’ve been rumbled and the ivory tower is collapsing. Scandal follows scandal, flagship presenters being outed as perverts and paedophiles, it’s all coming out in the wash, so to speak.
Watch for more of this deflection and ‘limited hangout’ behaviour in the next twelve to eighteen months as the public peel back the layers of the onion by themselves, and discover what has been done to them.